IT Support
This service involves enhancing the prevention of the appearance of any malfunction that may affect the performance of the IT structure.
Jobs are scheduled as a monthly routine so that the technician can regularly follow the needs of your company.
The main purpose of this service is to maximize the performance of the IT structure and minimize the time lost by the failure of something.
The interventions are always directed to software and hardware.
- Inspections;
- Cleanings;
- Adjustments;
- Substitutions;
- Reparations.
The main advantages of Preventive Maintenance:
- Saving money.
Potentially malfunctioning equipment tends to consume more power and has no return on better performance. Usually performance is low and consumption is high.
- Durability.
Like any product or infrastructure, preventive maintenance extends the life cycle of the equipment.
- Control.
Equipments with scheduled maintenance does not disappear from the company.
- Profitability.
Efficient teams depend on equally efficient tools.